Monthly Archives: April 2013

Hello!! Pirate Ship Counters Lesson (Math/Numeration)

Hello! My name is Sara White. Over the last few months I have been working hard to create an authentic home-based Montessori program. I completed the internship required for my Montessori credential in May of 2012. I was planning to use my training to home school my son. However, a friend of mine suggested that I share my knowledge of Montessori education with others in the community. She encouraged me to work towards opening my own home-based program and now it has come to fruition!

While I have been creating my curriculum for the upcoming school year I have found a number of wonderful blogs from both Montessori home schooling moms and Montessori educators. They all have been so gracious to share their brilliantly creative ideas and so I have been inspired to begin sharing some of my own ideas and lessons.

Since this is my first blog entry, I will start by sharing one of the math lessons I created during my Montessori training. The purpose of the lesson is to work on one-to-one correspondence with numbers 1 through 10.

Pirate Ship Pirate Ship Lesson

I bought a pirate ship bird feeder from Micheal’s Craft Store and painted it. Micheal’s also happened to have some prepainted wooden treasure chests and I affixed numbers 1 through 10  on them using some small number stickers that are usually used for mailboxes and such. I then purchased some plastic “gold” coins from Oriental Trading Company to be used as counters, although I was thinking some “jewels” or “pearls” would be nice too. OTC was also selling some paper treasure map placemats and I had one laminated and used it to line the bottom of the lesson tray.

Wooden treasure chests from Michael's.

Wooden treasure chests from Michael’s.

"Gold" coins from Oriental Trading Company.

“Gold” coins from Oriental Trading Company.

Treasure map placemat from Oriental Trading.

Treasure map placemat from Oriental Trading.

My own little draw string booty bag to hold the coins.

My own little draw string booty bag to hold the coins.

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